Welcome to the Systems Biology and Omics Integration Journal Club and Seminar Series Web

SBOI is a combined journal club and seminar series centered on the computational and informatics aspects of analyzing different omics-level datasets and their integration, especially for systems-level analyses. This is a weekly journal club with interspersed seminars and workshops. Journal club presentations are given by students, staff, and faculty. Seminars and workshops are given by a combination of outside speakers and local talent.

The focus points of this journal club and seminar series are:

  • Single omics bioinformatics that leads to omics integration.
  • Omics integration methodology and tools.
  • Systems Biology approaches arising from omics integration.
  • Biologically- and biomedically-centric functional interpretation derived from omics integration and systems-level analyses.

Meeting Time & Location: Mondays @ 1pm in Room 504 of College of Nursing Building (Nursing Building):
If you wish to be included in announcements about further details, please add yourself to the UKY listserv for SBOI.

Relevant Job postings are advertised on our website as well.
Topic revision: r3 - 03 Sep 2018, HunterMoseley
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